How to

Catalpa Worms as fish bait

Catalpa worms as fish bait are probably the best fish bait known to man in the last several million years or so. You can find them in the spring on Catalpa trees all over the southern U.S. Here’s what to look for…Catalpa trees grow primarily in the southern portions of the U.S. and are home…

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Jug fishing for catfish

Want to know how to make your own catfish jugs? Here’s an effective catfish catching trick… Jug fishing for catfish has become one of my favorite ways to quickly get meat on the table. I use some homemade jugs constructed from foam pool noodles and PVC pipe. I made these jugs in one afternoon and…

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12 volt boat battery maintenance

Nearly every boat has a 12 volt boat battery and understanding how to determine it’s charge status is vital to keeping your boat’s electrical system safe and functional. Let’s take a look at your basic system. Your 12 volt battery is the life of the entire electrical system on your boat. Many boats have a…

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Another Installment of Quick Tips!!

What will you do if you are miles from anywhere having a grand ole time fishing and suddenly you hit something and break your propeller shear pin? You did remember to put some extra shear pins in your emergency bag didn’t you? But then you realize that you don’t have a emergency bag. Hmm mm…it’s…

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